Cordwheel export to Lima Peru February 18, 2022

A large quantity of yellow/red Cordwheels are leaving Sydney today via ocean freight to Callao Peru. These reels are used by our client Arce Geofisicos who specialize in geophysical surveys for mineral prospecting, geotechnical applications and groundwater prospecting.

Montecito Fire Department California USA 2021

Very Proud to see The Australian manufactured Ruslyn Cordwheel installed in a Montecito fire truck. These reels were supplied to the Montecito Fire Department by our US distributor TETAC Inc whose contacts can be viewed on the distributor page


Icar Distribuciones Ferreteras (IDF) Madrid Spain March 2019

Ruslyn Holdings has just completed a shipment of NATO Pack Reels NSN 8130/66-159-6431
to Icar Distribuciones Ferreteras (IDF) in Madrid Spain.
IDF are suppliers of equipment to the security forces of the Spanish State.
Pack ReelPack Reel

Australian Military Sales Catalogue March 2018

On the 20th March 2018 the Australian Military Sales Catalogue was introduced by the Hon Christopher Pyne MP.
Minister for Defence Industry.
Ruslyn Holdings was selected as an entrant into the catalogue as an exporter of the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Ruslyn Pack Reel.


The Hon Christopher Pyne MP at the release of the 2018 Australian Military Sales Catalogue

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The Australian Military Sales Catalogue may be viewed at

Milipol Paris November 2017

small reel

All Securit exhibited the Ruslyn Pack Reel at the 2017 Milipol in Paris. All Securit is the distributor of the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Pack Reel and a supplier of equipment to defence and homeland security in Switzerland and France.

T +41 21 653 83 10   M +41 79 431 25 20


South Africa shipment of Pack Reels November 2017

1st shipment of NATO Pack Reels NSN 8130/661596431 in November 2017 to our South African Distributor Northwest Explosive Technologies. Hopefully many more to come.

small reel

Cell:+27 (0) 82 311 5974

DSEI September 2017

Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) is the world leading event that brings together the global defence and security sector to innovate and share knowledge.
DSEI represents the entire supply chain on an unrivaled scale.
The Australian manufactured Ruslyn Pack Reel NSN 8130/661596431 is shown here proudly exhibited at DSEI 2017. It is fitted with firing cable and was supplied to the exhibitor by EOD UK.
EOD UK can be contacted at

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Development of the Ruslyn H&L Reel July 2017

On request from defence the lightweight Ruslyn Hook & Line Reel has been developed to replace the heavy metal reel
currently in service.
The new reel is 150mm in diameter with a weight of 350 grams. It is rugged and ergonomic and has been NATO codified
NSN 8130-66-164-1146. Capacity is 65m of 3mm Dyneema rope.
The Ruslyn H&L Reel is manufactured in Australia, IP registered and currently being evaluated by Australian, US and
UK defence Forces.

hook & line reelhook & line reel hook & line reel

Vipfish OÜ Estonia to supply Latvian Defense May 2017

Vipfish OÜ is the Estonian distributor of the Australian manufactured Ruslyn Cordwheel and Pack Reel



Vipfish OÜ Estonia is a defense supplier to Latvian Defense and other defense organizations in the Baltic. Recently Vipfish OÜ received an order from Latvia Defense for firing cables fitted to the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Ruslyn Pack Reel, proudly manufactured in Australia.



NATO March 2017

NATO delivered and demonstrated 160 sets of counter-IED equipment to Iraq’s Ministry of Interior on Sunday (26 March 2017). Financed by NATO’s Defence Capacity Building Trust Fund, the equipment is an important contribution to Iraq’s efforts to fight terrorism and protect civilians. Speaking at a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers on Friday (31 March), Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the delivery, saying “one of our best tools in the fight against terrorism is training local forces… this equipment will help save lives.”
This kit includes 2 Ruslyn Pack Reels NSN 8130/661596431

At Iraq’s request, NATO agreed in July 2015 to provide defence capacity building support in a number of areas, including countering improvised explosive devices, explosive ordnance disposal and demining, security sector reform, military medicine and civil military planning.

In 2016, NATO trained over 350 Iraqi officers in Jordan, and at the Warsaw Summit in July 2016, Allies agreed to expand this training into Iraq itself. Since January 2017, NATO advisers have been working in the country, overseeing training activities and working with the Iraqi authorities to reform their security institutions. NATO’s presence in Iraq includes a core team and mobile training teams.

NATO and IRAQ 2017

NATO recently delivered 1000 sets of firing cable which were supplied on the Australian manufactured Ruslyn Pack Reel.
Ruslyn Holdings is proud to be part of this supply.

NATO small reelNATO small reelNATO small reel





NATO small reel

Ruslyn Pack Reel in operation in Iraq – supplied by EOD UK

The Cunningham “Chironomid” January 2017

Cunningham Boats located in Pincher Creek Alberta Canada has just released the Cunningham Chironomid, a fly fishing trimaran with a central canoe hull designed for stability and comfort. This unique lightweight boat incorporates 2 Ruslyn Pack Reels as the anchor reel system.
The Founder Joe Cunningham has tested this boat under all conditions where it has proven to be a very stable and safe water craft. Cunningham Boats can be contacted at:
Pincher Creek, AB,CA
(403) 627-9865

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Summer Edition NTOA The Tactical Edge

The United States National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) summer edition of The Tactical Edge publishes the testing results for the Ruslyn Pack Reel on page 72 which is a good review with a score of 4
The NTOA Member Tested & Recommended Program is a valuable program highlighting equipment available to law enforcement in the USA.


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Exports – October 2016

October 2016 has been a very busy month with export supply of Cordwheels and Pack Reels to New Zealand, Britain, Germany, Hungary and Israel. Most to defence related usage.

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US Public Safety Diver July 2016

A recent image of a United States public safety diver using the Ruslyn Pack Reel in underwater training. The Pack Reel is used to deploy hook and line, det cord, firing cable, paracord, communication cables, wire and rope.

small reel

The Pack Reel is distributed in the United States by TETAC Incorporated.

small reel

Tel: +1 855 838 2246

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small reel Clearance-DiversTangled-Army-Guy-sml


US Navy Underwater Kits – January 2016

TETAC Inc is the USA Distributor of the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Pack Reel.
As a supplier to the US Navy, TETAC has produced a unique underwater kit which incorporates both the Cordwheel and Pack Reel.

Clearance Diving

US Navy Underwater kit

Clearance Diving

Clearance Diving

Clearance Diving





Clearance Diving
Clearance Diving


Milipol Paris – November 2015

All Securit of Switzerland has exhibited the Ruslyn Pack Reel at this years Milipol Exhibition in Paris November 17 – 20
Milipol Paris presents in a single exhibition, the know-how and innovations of every theme related to internal State security.
Ruslyn Holdings is proud to be represented by All Securit in France and Switzerland.

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cord wheel

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All Securit Switzerland – October 2015

We are proud to announce that All Securit of Switzerland is our latest distributor of the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Pack Reel.
All Securit is a supplier of specialized equipment to Defence and Law Enforcement to both Switzerland and France.

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DSEI London – September 2015

Our distributor in the UK exhibited the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Pack Reel at the 2015 Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) 15 – 18 September 2015.
EOD UK together with Guartel Technologies is a supplier of defence equipment to the UK Ministary of Defence (MOD). EOD UK have been supplying the Cord Wheel and Pack Reel to various areas within UK military for a number of years.

cord wheel


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Vipfish OÜ – September 2015

Our shipment of Ruslyn Cordwheel® and Ruslyn Pack Reel® has just been received by Vipfish OÜ in Tallinn Estonia

Vipfish OÜ specializes in the supply of special equipment and materials for the Defense, Police and Rescue Board in Estonia.
Vipfish OÜ are offering Ruslyn Cordwheel® and Ruslyn Pack Reel® as the best solution for cable management to their clients. Vipfish OÜ may be contacted at:
telephone number +372 5309 7201

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Visiting TETAC Inc. San Diego – November 2014

pack reel

Email: Tel (855)838-2246

On the 17th and 18th of November 2014 we met with Mark Benson of TETAC Inc to discuss marketing of the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Ruslyn Pack Reel to U.S Defense, Homeland Security and Law Enforcement. An advertisement is being published in the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) quarterly magazine The Tactical Edge in February 2015. TETAC and Ruslyn Holdings are looking forward to this event as the Pack Reel is now an approved NTOA product.
The Pack Reel is used in Australia by the Australian Federal Police as well as State Law Enforcement.
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