The Ruslyn Hook & Line Reel has been evaluated by the NTOA and has been given a silver status by testing personal:
Tested by a member from Florida
Design 4.5
Performance 4.5
Ease of Use 4.5
Size 4
Quality 5
Durability 4
Storage 4
Versatility 4.5
Convenience 4.5
Application 4.5
Comfort 4
Accuracy 4.5
Cleaning & Maintenance 4
Individual Score 4.35
The Ruslyn Hook and Line Reel measures 9.5 inches tall, 6 inches wide and 4 inches thick. It is constructed of ABS plastic and is very lightweight. I initially filled it with 100 feet of 550 cord but there was still plenty of room so I added another 100 feet which fit perfectly without any issues. I then stripped the reel of the cord and loaded 300 feet of duplex 20 gauge firing wire onto the reel. The wire fit perfect. This reel is very versatile. The reel has a small handle you turn to wind the spool. It also has a center ring on the spool that turns to set the drag so that the cord or wire does not free spin and tangle. On the bottom of the reel is a guide to keep the cord or wire centered on the spool as you wind it back up. I have dropped the reel from a height of over 6 feet dozens of times, stood on it (i weigh 205 on a light day), thrown it against the wall and submerged it in water. There are a few small scuffs and slight gouges, but it still works great. The ABS plastic takes a beating and maintains its shape very well. I did not find any issues or limitations with this reel. I have used it during a Hook and Line training day with 550 cord and operationally to initiate a poof bag to dispose of gunpowder with firing wire. It worked great in both applications and is overall a very solid product.