Defence Links

We provide the following links in good faith, however we have no control over the information contained within those
Web sites and cannot accept any responsibility as to the accuracy or advice that they provide.

The provision of these links is in no way an endorsement by Ruslyn Holdings Pty Ltd as to the quality of any goods
or services that are available from these linked Web sites.


Capability Acquisition & Sustainment Group

The Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) is part of the Department of Defence and exists to meet the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) military equipment and supply requirements as identified by Defence and approved by Government.

What we do

CASG is the key delivery agency for Defence capability and in delivering on our purpose we strive to:

  1. Reform, implement and embed the First Principles Review recommendations.
  2. Improve our relationship with our owners (Government) and customers (capability managers).
  3. Improve our strategic level partnerships with industry.
  4. Achieve full cost and performance transparency of our projects and operations.
  5. Develop, support and professionalise our people.
cord wheelcord wheelcord wheelsmall reel

Ruslyn reel defence user


Defence Science and Technology Group

DSTG brings together interdisciplinary expertise from across Australia and around the world to address Defence and national security challenges. Our role is to work closely with the Australian science, technology and innovation eco-system to deliver scientific advice and solutions that provide capability enhancement for Defence and the national security community.

DSTG has been a user of the Cordwheel and Pack Reel for some years. Both the Cord Wheel and Pack Reel are used as cable reels, rope reels and wire reels in DSTG projects.

cord wheelcord wheelcord wheelsmall reel

Ruslyn reel defence user


New Zealand Defence Force

The New Zealand Defence Force comprises 9,278 Regular Force, 2,197 Territorial Force, and 2,414 civilian staff members across the armed services of Navy, Army and Air Force, operating as Three Services – One Force.
The NZDF is an ongoing user of the Cord Wheel and Pack Reel The Cord Wheel and Pack Reel are used by the NZDF as EOD cord wheels and communication cord wheels. In CIED and EOD the Cord Wheel and Pack Reel are used as a hook & line reel, det cord reel and firing cable reel.

cord wheelcord wheelcord wheelsmall reel

Ruslyn Cordwheel, Pack Reel and Hook & Line Reel defence user



Aerospace and Defence Network

An online provider of worldwide defence news and events.
Online database of defence suppliers.
The Ruslyn Cord Wheel and Pack Reel are both displayed on the ASD-Network data base to promote the use of both reels use within US Defense.
Ruslyn Holdings recommends the ASD-Network to companies wishing to promote their products within the USA system.

cord wheel

Ruslyn Cordwheel, Pack Reel and Hook & Line Reel ASD-Network display

cord wheelcord wheelsmall reel


Australian Defence Washington

Defence representation in Washington covers all Defence policy issues, issues of a joint operational nature, specific Single Service  matters of the three Services (Navy, Army and Air Force) and a broad range of acquisition, industry and science activities.
The Ruslyn Cord Wheel is displayed at the Australian Embassy in Washington. Hopefully the Pack Reel will be displayed sometime in the future.

cord wheel

Ruslyn reel display

cord wheelcord wheelsmall reel


Defence Communications Industry

An Australian company dedicated to the design and development of specialised communications equipment
Defence Communications Industry Pty Ltd has been promoting the Ruslyn Cordwheel, Pack Reel and Hook & Line Reel for some years. The company has exported both the Cord Wheel and Pack Reel to be used together with their communication systems.

cord wheelcord wheelsmall reel


 Apollo Australia Pty Ltd

Scuba Diving and Water Operations Equipment

A supplier to Special Forces (SF) groups, Tactical Police Units and other Government departments.
Apollo Australia promotes the Ruslyn Cordwheel, Pack Reel and Hook & Line Reel as underwater reels used in clearance diving and the dive industry.

cord wheel

Ruslyn reel distributor

cord wheelcord wheelsmall reel