

cord wheel









cord wheel


cord wheel




small reel








The Cordwheel is a hand held rugged lightweight cable reel used extensively in the mining industry to handle dipping weights, surveyors rope, barrier tape, safety rope, extension cable, wire, power cable, test cables, rope, cable and wire. The Ruslyn Cordwheel is used in the mining industry for handling many coil-able products in Australian, Peru,
Argentina, Mexico, Columbia and other countries around the world.

cord wheel


cord wheel

dipping weights

cord wheel

reflective bunting

cord wheel

surveyor rope







The Cordwheel is perfectly suited as a surveyors rope reel for all drill and blast applications. The surveyors rope reel is used when mapping out a shot or dipping a hole and enables tangle free reading of difficult to handle surveyors rope. The Cordwheel as a surveyors rope reel greatly extends the life of surveyors rope. The MiTiMEASURE is ideally suited to be handled by the Ruslyn Cordwheel. As a measuring tape reel the Cordwheel enables tangle free effortless use when measuring and reading labels when surveying and dipping holes. The Ruslyn Cordwheel and Ruslyn Pack Reel  are both perfect dipping weight reels. Easy to use they both save time and tangles as a cord reel for dipping weights. The Cordwheel is perfect as a reflective bunting reel enabling deployment and retrieval of reflective bunting without tangles. As safety reels both the Ruslyn Cordwheel and Ruslyn Pack Reel improve OH&S on the mine site when handling MiTiMEASURE, dipping weights, reflective bunting and surveyors rope.